- Table of Contents2024년 12월 03일
- yeongki0944
- 작성자
- 2024.12.03.:28
1. Networking Introduction
- Networking History (네트워킹 역사)
- OSI Model (OSI 모델)
- TCP/IP (TCP/IP 프로토콜)
- Application (응용 계층)
- Transport (전송 계층)
- Network (네트워크 계층)
- Internet Protocol (인터넷 프로토콜)
- Link Layer (링크 계층)
- Web Server Revisit (웹 서버 재검토)
- Conclusion
2. Linux Networking
- Basics (기초)
- Network Interface (네트워크 인터페이스)
- Bridge Interface (브릿지 인터페이스)
- Kernel Packet Handling (커널 패킷 처리)
- Netfilter (넷필터)
- Conntrack (연결 추적)
- Routing (라우팅)
- High-Level Routing (상위 수준 라우팅)
- iptables (IP테이블)
- IPVS (IP 가상 서버)
- eBPF (확장 버클리 패킷 필터)
- Network Trubleshooting Tools (네트워크 트러블 슈팅 도구)
- Security Warning
- ping
- traceroute
- dig
- telnet
- nmap
- netstat
- netcat
- Openssl
- cURL
- Conclusion
3. Container Networking Basics
- Introductino to Containers
- Applications
- Hypervisor
- Containers
- Container Primitives (컨테이너 기본요소)
- Control Groups (제어 그룹)
- Namespaces (네임스페이스)
- Setting Up Namespaces
- Container Network Basics
- Docker Networking Model (도커 네트워킹 모델)
- Overlay Networking
- Container Network Interface
- Container Connectivity (컨테이너 연결)
- Container to Container
- Container to Container Separate Hosts
4. Kubernetes Networking Introduction
- Kubernetes Network Model (쿠버네티스 네트워크 모델)
- Node and Pod Network Layout (노드/파드 네트워크 구조)
- Isolated Networks
- Flat Networks
- Island Networks
- kube-controller-manager Configuration
- The Kubelet
- Pod Readiness and Probes
- The CNI Specification
- CNI Plugins
- The IPAM Inteface
- Popular CNI Plugins
- kube-proxy
- userspace Mode
- iptables Mode
- ipvs Mode
- kernelspace Mode
- NetworkPolicy
- NetworkPolicy Example with Cilum
- Selecting Pods
- Rules
- IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack
- Conclusion
5. Kubernetes Networking Abstractions
- StatefulSets (스테이트풀셋)
- Endpoints (엔드포인트)
- Endpoint Slices
- Kubernetes Services (쿠버네티스 서비스)
- NodePort
- ClusterIP
- Headless
- ExternalName Service
- LoadBalancer
- Service Conclusion
- Ingress
- Ingress Controllers and Rules
- Service Meshes
- Conclusion
6. Kubernetes and Cloud Networking
- AWS Network Services
- Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
- Deploying an Application on an AWS EKS Cluster
- GCP Network Services (네트워크 서비스)
- GKE (구글 쿠버네티스 엔진)
- Azure
- Azure Network Services
- Deploying an Application to Azure Kubernetes Service
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